God has commanded us to be faithful with the gifts that He has placed in our care. At First Baptist Church Woodstock, we teach, train, and counsel our church families to faithfully steward money so they can know Christ more intimately and be free to serve Him more effectively.
Financial Counseling
Helping our church and community steward all that God has entrusted to us.
Organize Your Finances
Steward God’s Gifts
Experience Financial Freedom
All that we have has been given to us by God.
Ready to experience financial freedom?
Personal Financial Counseling
Our financial counselor can help you organize your finances to reach your God-given financial goals, freeing you to provide for your family, get out and stay out of debt, save for future needs and emergencies, and serve God. Here’s how to get started:
1. Schedule an appointment
Call 678.494.2697, and we’ll schedule a time when you can meet with our financial counselor.
2. Submit an application
All clients must fill out an application prior to their first Financial Counseling appointment.
3. Experience financial freedom
Achieve your financial goals and pursue all that God has for you.
Financial Peace University
Saving for an emergency, becoming debt free, and preparing for the future requires a plan. With the help of Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University classes, you will gain the knowledge and tools needed to take control of your money. Freeing you to provide for your family, get out and stay out of debt, save for future needs and emergencies, and serve God.

Over the 9-week class, you will learn how to create and follow a financial plan. Each class is taught by the Ramsey team via video and is led by someone that has completed the class and has experienced Financial Freedom.