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Join us for Easter!

Good Friday: April 18 at 7:00PM • Resurrection Sunday: April 20 at 8:30AM & 10:30AM

Join us for Easter!

Good Friday: March 29 at 7:00PM
Resurrection Sunday: March 31 at 8:30 & 10:30AM


Helping men walk faithfully with Christ

Community Fellowship

Path to Discipleship

Engaging Events

Helping men win in their relationship with God, their families, and the church.

At First Baptist Woodstock Church, our men’s ministry is committed to helping you grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ through Better Man groups, and men’s events, which offer tailored men’s ministry coaching, local church events and strategic mission partnerships.

Connect With Us

Get Involved

1. Weekly Gatherings

Join us in A250 Wednesday nights from 6:15-7:45PM and Friday mornings from 6:15-7:45AM for teaching, discussion, and fellowship.

Learn More

2. Join a Group

Groups meet during the week to look at God’s design for manhood and how it impacts our lives.

Join A Group

3. Participate in Men’s Events

During the year we’ll host man church, men’s conferences, and other activities to help you grow in your faith.

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