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Join us for Easter!

Good Friday: April 18 at 7:00PM • Resurrection Sunday: April 20 at 8:30AM & 10:30AM

Join us for Easter!

Good Friday: March 29 at 7:00PM
Resurrection Sunday: March 31 at 8:30 & 10:30AM

Thrive Special Needs Ministry

Helping individuals of all abilities thrive as disciples of Jesus Christ
Register OnlineServe With Thrive

Inclusive Bible Lessons

Sensory-Friendly Worship

Growth in Community

Everyone deserves a welcoming environment to help them grow in their faith.

Thrive Special Needs Ministry provides a fun, safe, and welcoming environment for children and adults with disabilities to learn and grow as disciples of Jesus Christ. Our trained staff and volunteers help teach and engage students in the Word through bible lessons, art, and music.

Our Thrive suite provides a safe environment with a sensory room, a changing table, and any accommodations students may need. Our Room Leaders, Coaches and one-on-one Buddies help create an inclusive environment for all students where everyone feels welcome.

Attend on Sunday Morning

Groups meet every Sunday at 8:00AM, 9:30AM, and 11:00AM, and students are divided into groups based on age/size. Each group has a trained adult Coach, and each student has a Buddy assigned to them for the morning. Classes rotate through the Bible, Art, Music, Play, and Relax room.

Join us on Wednesday nights

Drop your student off each Wednesday night from 6:15-7:45PM and enjoy some respite. Your student will engage in fellowship with students their age in our Bible, Art, Music, and Play rooms.

Join us for special events

Join us for special events throughout the year where your family can grow together and grow in community with other families in our ministry.

Register Online

If you’re new to Thrive, we invite you to register your student before you attend so we can get to know you better!
Register Online


Valeria Lobo

Ministry Director



Interested in serving with Thrive? We would love to talk with you!

Serve with Thrive
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