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Join us for Easter!

Good Friday: April 18 at 7:00PM • Resurrection Sunday: April 20 at 8:30AM & 10:30AM

Join us for Easter!

Good Friday: March 29 at 7:00PM
Resurrection Sunday: March 31 at 8:30 & 10:30AM


Respite Families

Foster Families

Every child deserves a safe, loving home

In Cherokee County, over 300 children have been removed from their familiar home and are now in the custody of the State of Georgia. Every one of them desires to be in a safe and loving home, and they want to know that things are going to be okay. Foster care homes in the child’s own community are essential to keeping these children from being uprooted and moved to another school or community.

WeFoster strives to provide a caring, Christian home for every foster child in our community along with a “Community of Care” to support the foster children, all while working towards having that child return to their birth parents or another family member.

Whether you’re a family or an individual, you can help provide care, love and support to children in the foster care system through WeFoster. Check back soon for registration details!

Here’s how you can get involved:


Whether you are a college student, single adult, parent, or grandparent, there is a place for you as a volunteer! WeFoster families have foster children in their home that need loving, caring and supportive volunteers that will take time to help & invest in them.

Volunteers help provide:

  • Transportation
  • Meals
  • Childcare
  • Other day/evening support for a Foster Family
  • A familiar face that foster children can trust

Respite Families

Foster Families need an extended break from time to time, and the Respite Family provides an approved home for their foster children. Respite Families also provide another level of support as aunt, uncle and grandparent figures for the foster children. Respite Families walk through the same training as the Foster Family.

Respite Families assist with:

  • Overnight childcare
  • Weekend care
  • Attending ball games or recitals
  • Assist with any extended time of care

Foster Families

At the frontline of WeFoster are Foster Families, who are willing to have foster children live with them for a few days, a week, a month, or however long it takes for the birth family to work on correcting the issues that stand in the way of their children returning home. These children are often much different from your own and come into your care scared, broken, and struggling to trust. They need adults who will love and care for them during this time in their life.

Foster Families may also:

  • Work through a variety of unforeseen situations while the child is in their care
  • Work, coach, and mentor the birth family to make it possible for the child to return home

Ready to help foster children in our local community?

1. Register for an Info Session

This one-hour class is the first step in your journey towards serving in any of the three areas of WeFoster.

2. Choose an area

Whether you want to serve as a Foster Family or provide support as a Respite Family or volunteer, we’ll help guide you through your next steps in WeFoster.

3. Serve local foster children

In whatever capacity you feel led to serve, WeFoster will equip you to love and care for children in our local foster care system.

Training Sessions

Info Sessions

Want to learn more about the need and process to become a foster family or how you can support one?

Whether you want to serve as a foster family, respite family, or a volunteer, the WeFoster Info Session is the first required step in the process of serving in the WeFoster Ministry. It’s also the prerequisite for IMPACT, the state’s 24-hour training to become a foster or respite family or to become a volunteer to serve our foster families.

At a 1 hour WeFoster info session you will learn about:
  • The WeFoster Community of Care
  • The requirements for being a Foster family
  • Volunteer opportunities
  • The great need our community and foster children have for families like yours
  • How volunteers and respite families will be matched with foster families to help ensure their success
  • The steps to Foster & Respite care
  • The approval process
Next Sessions:
Wednesday, May 14 – 6:00-7:45PM (Location: TBD)
Sunday, May 18 – 12:30-3:00PM (Location TBD) Lunch is provided!

Register Here!

IMPACT Training

If you have completed the WeFoster Info Session and are ready to take the next step, WeFoster provides IMPACT Training, an intensive, multi-day event designed to prepare a couple for the physical, emotional and spiritual demands of foster care.

Using mini workshops, prayer, conversation and tabletop discussions, IMPACT Training touches on a variety of important topics while helping families examine their hearts in order to determine if they are called to foster. This training is required by the State of Georgia for all families desiring to provide foster and respite care.

(Required for all Foster Families and Respite Families)

More information coming soon!

Give to WeFoster

Help financially support foster care families in our local community.

Give Now


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