To ensure you don’t miss a thing this Easter, sign up for helpful seasonal reminders.

Good Friday
March 29 • 7:00PM
Good Friday is a reflective gathering where we remember the cross and the death of Jesus. We will worship together, hear a word from our pastor, and take the Lord’s Supper. Childcare will be provided for children ages 6 weeks–PreK.

Resurrection Sunday
March 31 • 9:00 & 11:00AM
Join us in celebrating Jesus’ resurrection and the hope we have in Him this Easter—featuring vibrant worship opportunities for your whole family and a message from our pastor.
There will be no Sunday morning groups, but parents can plan on the following: Special KidZPlace Easter gathering for K–5th grade during both gatherings. Preschool classes for babies–age 5 during both gatherings. Thrive Special Needs ministry during both gatherings.
First time here?
We can’t wait to meet you! If you have any questions about joining us on Easter weekend, our team would love to help!
Contact UsFrequently Asked Questions
Here are some FAQs to give you an idea of a typical Sunday at Woodstock:
Can I watch online?
Yes! We livestream each service on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and our website. Check out our most recent worship gatherings on YouTube to get a feel for Sundays at Woodstock.
Where should I park?
We know it’s a huge campus, and parking can look scary. We promise it’s not that bad. Our incredible parking team will help direct you to our guest parking lots on your first visit. From there you’ll practically be at the front door already! We always have reserved parking for our first-time visitors, as well as any Senior Adults and families with Special Needs.
On return visits, we do everything we can to make it easy. First, we have convenient trolley service that shuttles you to the heart of campus. These full size trolleys carry 40 people at a time, and are making a continual loop around the lot before services. When you arrive, head to a white tent and one will be around shortly.
What should I wear?
You’ll see a huge variety of attire on campus! We invite you to dress to your comfort level.