Celebrate Recovery
Find freedom and healing from life’s hurts, hang-ups, and habits.
Address Hurt
Pursue Healing
Find Freedom
Are you struggling with:
- Relational, emotional, or family hurts in your past that are affecting your present?
- Destructive habits that are harming you and others around you?
- False mindsets that feed you lies about yourself and others?
If you deal with any of these troubles, you’re not alone.
Join us at Celebrate Recovery Woodstock, a program designed to help broken people overcome their hurts, hang-ups, and habits and discover freedom and healing in Jesus Christ.
You don’t have to stay stuck in your brokenness. Join us Tuesdays at 6:30-8:30pm. Free dinner at 5:30pm. Childcare is available for children 6 weeks of age through 5th grade. (registration required).
Celebrate Recovery can help people with a wide variety of struggles:
Relationship Hurts
- Guilt
- Shame
- Loneliness
- Rejection
- Betrayal
- Abandonment
- Fear of never finding love
- Hurt from affairs
- Cheating
- Lying
- Unforgiveness
- Ending of a relationship
- Codependency
- Enmeshment
Emotional Hurts
- Sadness
- Failure
- Worry
- Fear
- Anxiety
- Anger
- Rage
- Hurts from loss of job, love, money, dreams, etc.
Family Hurts
- Dysfunctional family history
- Emotional abuse
- Physical abuse
- Inceest
- Rape
- Codependency
- Violence
- Enmeshment
- Abortion
- Same sex attraction
False Mindsets
- I am not enough and must perform to have worth
- I am unlovable, and I need the approval of sharp men and women to know I am loved
- I can’t depend on others and I have to do it myself.
- At times, my greatest need is
- Comfort eating
- Isolation/busyness
- Gaming, TV, movies
- Sex/pleasure
- Drugs and smoking
- Entertainment
Negative Mindsets
- Woe is me
- Seeing obstacles rather than opportunities
- A victim mentality
Habits of the Tongue
- Abusive speech
- Gossiping
- Swearing
- Slang
Chemical Habits
- Alcohol
- Smoking
- Drugs
Sexual Habits
- Adultery
- Pornography
- Same sex attraction
Emotionally Driven Habits
- Food/emotional eating
- Gambling
- Overspending
- Credit card debt
Relational Habits
- Isolationism
- Knee-jerk reactions
- Lying
- Wasting time on TV, social media, gaming
- Procrastination and workaholism to avoid intimacy
Ready to find freedom and healing from your hurts, hang-ups, and habits?
1. Attend a Meeting
Join a community of people that’s pursuing healing together. We meet Tuesdays from 6:30-8:30pm in Room A250.
2. Walk Forward Together
Through a proven 12-step pathway, Celebrate Recovery provides an environment to help you address your struggles and move forward with accountability.
3. Experience Freedom and Healing
Find freedom and experience healing from your hurts, hang-ups, and habits.